This year’s annual Island Idol teen music festival on July 29th was an inspiring evening of talent! 20 teens performed for an enthusiastic crowd of over 300 audience members on an outdoor stage at MCPL Centereach. Island Idol is generously sponsored by ShopRite Gallagher Family Markets, Friends of the Middle Country Public Library and MCPL’s Teen Advisory Council.

Pictured Top (l to r): Michelle Kenney, teen librarian; Rosetta Goddard, teen librarian; Kristine Tanzi, coordinator for teen services; Lori Kenney, President, Friends of the Middle Country Public Library; Tracy LaStella, assistant director for youth services; Kristin Shankles, teen librarian; Deborah Hempe, coordinator for outreach services; Nicole Rambo, teen librarian; Sara Fade, teen librarian.

Ally Short, Winner, Best Overall Performance, 10th-12th grade

Alessia Cutillo, Runner Up, Best Overall Performance, 10th-12th grade

Darcy Rae Acosta, Winner, Best Overall Performance, 6th-9th grade

Alexandra-Kathleen Zographos, Runner Up, Best Overall Performance, 6th-9th grade